

【Handbook of SENTOKUJI Temple】







Chapter 1 MANNER(Buddhist equipment, Pray and Worship, Burning incense)


Chapter 2 BUDDHIST ALTAR(Majestic, Customs)



 word 1 Words before meals


 word 2 Jodo Shinshu sect(This is all I want you to know)


Chapter 1 MANNER(Buddhist equipment, Pray and Worship, Burning incense)


【Buddhist equipment】

  1. Introduction
    • Never throw the Buddhist altars or place them directly on tatami mats or on the floor. Treat it carefully.
    • Bring the Buddhist equipment to each person.
  2. Scriptures(Seiten)
    • The sutra is a transcript of the teachings of Shaka-muni Buddha.

      It was transmitted to China, translated into Chinese characters, and transmitted to Japan.
      The "Sacred Scriptures" is a compilation of these sutras and what Shinran wrote.


    • When opening and closing the scriptures, hold the scriptures in your chest with both hands.

      And raise it quietly until the bottom of the scriptures is about the height of your line of sight.

  3. Japamala(Onenju)
    • When you are in the palm of your hand, put it on both hands, drop the bush down, and hold it lightly with your thumb.

      When you are not in the palm of your hand, hold it in your left hand .

  4. Monto Sikisyou
    • During Buddhist affairs, both monks and priests are dressed.

      If you are a disciple, wear a Monto Sikisyou with a japamala.


【How to the Pray and the Worship】


  1. Explanation
    • [A]Gassho(合掌):Gassho is to put both hands in front of your chest. It is the most beautiful figure of human beings.
    • [B]Syoumyou(称名):Syoumyou is to say "Namo Amida Butsu".
    • [C]Raihai(礼拝, Worship): Raihai is to bow your head while holding your hands together. Raihai is not prayer, but to praise, respect and thank the Buddha's virtues.
    • [D]Syoko(焼香, Burning incense): Incense is a worship item of Indian origin. By burning incense, we represent our heart of respect for Amida Nyorai.


  2. Manner
    1. [A] Put both hands in front of your chest.
    2. Put a Onenju(Japamala) between your thumb and other fingers
    3. Gently hold the Onenju with your thumb, align your fingers and extend them up about 45 degrees.
    4. [B] Stretch your spine, see the The principal image(Amida Buddha), and say "Namo Amida Bustu"
    5. [C] Slowly lean your upper body forward while holding your hands together (The angle is about 45 degrees).
    6. Gently return to your original posture and gently lower your hands.


Burning incense

  1. Stop in front of the incense table, thank the principal idol, and proceed from your left foot to the front of the table.
  2. Pinch the incense from the incense box with your right hand only once, and put it in the incense burner.
  3. Gassho, Syoumyou and Raihai.
  4. Step back from your right foot, give a bow again, and return to may seat.


Chapter 2  BUDDHIST ALTAR(Majestic, Customs)

【Buddhist altar】

  • The Buddhist altar enshrines the principal image (Amitabha). It is also called "ONAIBUTSU(Inner Buddha)".
  • The Buddhist altar is not a place to worship the dead. Jodo Shinshu does not use mortuary tablets.
  • The Buddhist altar is the most dignified place in the home and the center of family life.
  • The Buddhist altar is a "mirror of the heart". Always keep this majesty clean. And decorate the flowers, offer Buddhist rice etc.





【Words before meals (in Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii)】


We are truly grateful for this wonderful food, a gift of life.
May we share its benefit with all beings.
As we partake of this food, let us remember Amida Buddha’s compassion, which surrounds all people and all forms of life.
Namo Amida Butsu. Itadakimasu





Manner, Customs関連ページ

ようこそ専徳寺へお参りくださいました。 専徳寺は岩国市通津にある浄土真宗本願寺派(西本願寺)の寺院です。 どうぞごゆっくりくつろいでください。
Words of teaching
ようこそ専徳寺へお参りくださいました。 専徳寺は岩国市通津にある浄土真宗本願寺派(西本願寺)の寺院です。 どうぞごゆっくりくつろいでください。
ようこそ専徳寺へお参りくださいました。 専徳寺は岩国市通津にある浄土真宗本願寺派(西本願寺)の寺院です。 どうぞごゆっくりくつろいでください。

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